JLK Productions is a full-service production studio operating in Norfolk, Virginia since 2008. We are a tight-knit group that works with our clients to increase ROI regardless of budget by producing strategically guided content that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your audience.

Enjoy a sampling of our work below.



Commercial/ Brand Work


VA Lottery - Win A Spin Instructional Video

Smartmouth Holiday Spot - 1:00


Tycon Medical - :30 Spot

Doritos Super Bowl Contest (Finalist) - :30

Zeiders American Dream Theater Promo

Mountain Dew Spec





LBT Tactical Sentinel Vest

CBF Instant Systems

ADS/BE Meyers Green Laser

Blackwater Training Action Sequences

Comedy/ Short Film

Big Blue

Shoulder Chirp Wireless

The Creature

The Exit Interview

10 Minutes From Now

Racism is Stupid